The book entitled DIESEL (Developing Industrial Engineering Study through English Language) as mentioned earlier is an integrated skills-based ESP course book in professional English for Industrial Engineering students. The book is so designed that students can succeed in acquiring the technical terminology through reading ESP texts. So, the primary purpose of the book is not to teach Industrial Engineering to the students, but help them improve reading technical passages and develop a reading habit in their field of study.
The course book includes ten chapters from general to specific and simple to complex. Each chapter has a primary warm-up part along with various reading and vocabulary activities. The warm-up part is specifically designed to enable students to have oral discussions and debates prior to reading the actual texts. Reading activities urges students to read the text and then answer the questions given. A comprehension practice follows each passage and demands a comprehensive study of the text. In this part, vocabulary practice along with exercises and some other language activities are given for the purpose of motivating students to study technical vocabulary within the texts. Reading activities are designed to help students study the comprehension of the passages and vocabulary as well. In some chapters cloze tests are given related to same topic in the chapter to check students’ vocabulary comprehension.
Each chapter has also translation and writing parts: in the translation part, students are required to translate the given passage into their native language as an assignment; in writing part, various writing topics, closely related to the reading passages, are assigned to students as in-class activities or as an assignment.
Since this is an ESP course book in Industrial Engineering, the main purpose of the passages is to motivate students to use technical English in their own professional fields and to enable them to master necessary technical terminology. Throughout their professional lives, almost all of the Engineering students will need English both technically and professionally in order to communicate with foreign people and companies they are doing business with.
The course book is manly designed to be used in formal class sessions, but it can also be used by students and professionals of the field in self-study of the technical terminology. The design of the course book will enable students to learn new technical vocabulary and help them to comprehend technical passages with the aid of given almost 200 field-oriented vocabularies. The meanings of the new words are given as they are presented in the passages. However, students are also requested to find out the meaning of the vocabulary and write their meaning in their native language. That is to say, the contextual meanings of the vocabulary are given in the book. All in all, the book covers almost 400 exercises and various language study points.